♥ Music Box ♥


Stress 99!

Haiz,why my college life like this?TT
I thought college life will be funny and crazy?
but why now I always do a lot of coursework and assignment?><
and also,I become a class rep==
what the,damn busyTT
I want to take a rest also cannot...
and I always on my fb and email
 not included sleeping time,eating time and others entertainment XD

 Final exam will be on 15/8-30/8
and need pass up a lot of coursework!
I want to get 3.65 avaerage marks!
I want to get scholarshipTT
if not I cannot continue my study><

Jun,please treat me good!
I need sometime to prepare my exam!
and I will have a lot of show at TARC xD
I wont tell you is what show XD haha,secret XDD

